Serena Does, Ph.D.

Serena Does, Ph.D.

Lab Alumni


Research Interests:

 Social Inequality and Group Processes


Dr. Serena Does is Senior Researcher in the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UCLA. Previously, she was Postdoctoral Fellow in the area of Management & Organizations at UCLA Anderson School of Management, and Coordinator of the Social and Identity Lab. She obtained a M.S. (cum laude) in Social and Organizational Psychology and a Ph.D. in Social and Organizational Psychology at Leiden University in the Netherlands. 

Her research examines the psychology of inequity, particularly in organizational settings.  Much of her work highlights the ways in which social identities (e.g., racial and gender identities) and contextual cues (e.g., election outcomes, sexual harassment claims) shape people’s perceptions of inequity, as well their motivation to maintain or challenge inequity. Together with her collaborators, she conducts experimental and observational studies in the laboratory, online, and in the field. In addition to questionnaire data, her work includes nonverbal behavior analysis, institutional data, physiological measures, and focus group data.