
Everly, B.A., Unzueta, M.M. & Shih, M.J. (in press). Can gay identity provide a boost in the hiring process? Maybe if the boss is female. Journal of Business and Psychology.

Shih, M., Wout, D.A. & Hambarchyan, M. (in press). Predicting performance outcomes from the manner of stereotype activation and stereotype content. Asian American Journal of Psychology.

Shih, M. & Pittinsky, T.L. (in press). Reflections on positive stereotypes research and on replications: Commentary and rejoinder on Gibson, Losee and Vitiello (2014) and Moon and Roeder (2014). Social Psychology.

Shih, M., & Young, M.J (2015). Identity management strategies in workplaces with colorblind diversity policies. In Neville, H.A., Gallardo, M.E., and Sue, D.W. (Eds). The Myth of Racial Colorblindness:Manifestations, Dynamic and Impacts. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association.

Sanchez, D.T., Shih, M. & Wilton, L. (2014). Exploring the identity autonomy perspective: An integrative review of the minority experience for multicultural and multiracial individuals. In Benet-Martinez, V & Hong, Y.Y. (eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Identity. Oxford University Press.

Chen, Y., Lin, S.X., Liu, T.X. & Shih, M. (2014) Which Hat to Wear? Impact of Natural Identities on Coordination and Cooperation. Games and Economic Behavior, 84, 58-86.

Shih, M., Young, M. & Bucher, A. (2013). Working to reduce stigma: Identity management strategies in organizational contexts. American Psychologist, 68, 145-157.

Shih, M., Stotzer, R., & Gutiérrez, A. (2013). Perspective-Taking and Empathy: Generalizing the reduction of group bias towards Asian Americans to General Outgroups. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 4, 79-83.

Ho, G., Shih, M. & Walters, D (2012). Labels & Leaders: The influence of framing on emergent leadership behaviors. Leadership Quarterly, 23, 943-952. *shared first author

Shih, M., Gee, G. & Akutsu, P. (2012). Introduction to the special issue on culture, context and mental health. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 3, 131-132.

Stotzer, R & Shih, M. (2012) The relationship between masculinity and homophobia in factors associated with violence against gay men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 13(2), 136-142.

Everly, B., Shih, M. & Ho, G.C. (2012) Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? The effects of disclosure on partner’s performance? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 48, 407-410.

Shih, M., Pittinsky, T.L. & Ho, G. C. (2011). Stereotype Boost: Positive Outcomes from the Activation of Positive Stereotypes. In Inzlicht, M. & Schmader, T. (eds). Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process and Application. Oxford University Press.

Gee, G., Shih, M., & Akutsu, P. (2010) Culture and Mental Health: Risk, Prevention and Treatment in Asian Americans. AAPI NEXUS, 8, 1-10

Shih, M., Sanchez, D. T., & Ho, G. C. (2010). Costs and Benefits of Switching Among Multiple Social Identities. In Crisp, R. (Ed). The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity. Blackwell.

Shih, M., Wang, E., Trahan, A., & Stotzer, B. (2009). Perspective Taking: Reducing prejudice towards general outgroups and specific individuals. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12 (5), 565-577.

Sanchez, D. T., Shih, M., & Garcia, J. (2009). Juggling multiple racial identities: Malleable racial identification and psychological well-being. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 15, 243-254.

Wout, D., Shih, M., Jackson, J. S., & Sellers, R. M. (2009). Targets as perceivers: The influence of social perception on stereotype threat. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 349-362.

Bonam, C. & Shih, M. (2009). Interracial Comforts: Exploring multiracial individuals’ openness to intimate interracial relationships. Journal of Social Issues: Special Issues: The Landscape of Multiraical Experiences, 65, 87-103.

Shih, M., & Sanchez, D. (2009). When race becomes complex: Towards understanding multiracial identity and experiences. Journal of Social Issues: Special Issue: The Landscape of Multiracial Experiences, 65, 1-11.

Shih, M., Bonam, C., Sanchez, D., & Peck, C. (2007). The social construction of race:
Biracial identity and susceptibility to stereotypes. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology,13, 125-133

Kiefer, A. & Shih, M. (2006). Gender differences in persistence and attribution in stereotype relevant contexts. Sex Roles, 54, 859-868.

Pittinsky, T. L., Shih, M., & Trahan, A. (2006). Identity cues: Evidence from and for intra-individual perspectives on stereotyping. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36, 2215-2239.

Shih, M., Pittinsky, T. L. & Trahan, A. (2006). Domain-specific effects of Stereotypes on Performance. Self and Identity, 5, 1-14.

Pittinsky, T.L & Shih, M. (2006). Knowledge nomads. In Gandossy, B. (Eds.) Workforce wake-up call: Your workforce is changing, are you? John Wiley & Sons.

Shih, M., & Sanchez, D. (2005). Perspectives and research on the positive and negative effects of having multiple racial identities. Psychological Bulletin,131, 569-591.

Shih, M. (2004). Positive stigma: Examining resilience and empowerment in overcoming stigma. Annals of the Academy of Political and Social Science, 591, 175-185.

Pittinsky, T. L. & Shih, M. (2004). Knowledge nomads: Organizational commitment and worker mobility in positive perspective. American Behavioral Scientist, 4, 791-807.

Shih, M., Ambady, N., Richeson, J. A., Fujita, K., & Gray, H. (2002). Stereotype performance boosts: The impact of self-relevance and the manner of stereotype activation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 638-647.

Ambady, N., Shih, M., Kim. A., & Pittinsky, T. L. (2001). Stereotype susceptibility in children: Effects of identity activation on quantitative performance. Psychological Science, 12, 385-390.

Carson, S., Shih, M., & Langer, E. (2001). Sit still and pay attention? Journal of Adult Development, 8(3), 183-188.

Pratto, F. & Shih, M. (2000). Social dominance orientation and group context in implicit group discrimination. Psychological Science, 11, 521-524.

Pratto, F., Liu, J. H., Levin, S., Sidanius, J., Shih, M., Bachrach, H., & Hegarty, P. (2000). Social dominance orientation and legitimization of inequality across cultures. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 31 (3), 369-409

Pittinsky, T. L., Shih, M., & Ambady, N. (2000). Will a category cue affect you? Category cues, positive stereotypes and reviewer recall for applicants. Social Psychology of Education. 4(1), 53-65.

Shih, M., Pittinsky, T.L., & Ambady, N. (1999). Stereotype susceptibility: Identity salience and shifts in quantitative performance. Psychological Science, 10(1), 81-84.

Pittinsky, T. L., Shih, M., & Ambady, N. (1999). Identity adaptiveness and affect across one’s multiple identities. Journal of Social Issues, Special Issue: Prejudice and Intergroup Relations, Papers in Honor of Allport’s Centennial, 55(3), 503-518.